Thursday, April 20, 2023

GraphQL, MongoDB, Mongoose, React.js, and Node.js. This project involves building a Book Management System where users can manage their book collection.

 GraphQL, MongoDB, Mongoose, React.js, and Node.js. This project involves building a Book Management System where users can manage their book collection.

Features: User Authentication: Users should be able to register and log in to the application using their email and password. Book Management: Users should be able to create, read, update, and delete their books. They should be able to add a book cover image, title, author name, publisher, publication year, and price. Search and Filtering: Users should be able to search for books using keywords and filter them by author name, publisher, and publication year. Recommendations: Users should receive recommendations based on their reading history. Technology Stack: Front-end: React.js, Apollo Client Back-end: Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, Mongoose, GraphQL, Apollo Server Here are the steps to build the Book Management System: Set up the project environment by installing the necessary dependencies for the client-side and server-side development. Create the user authentication system using Passport.js and bcrypt. Build the book management functionality, including creating, reading, updating, and deleting books using Mongoose and GraphQL. Implement the search and filtering feature using MongoDB queries and GraphQL. Add the recommendation system by analyzing the user's reading history using a third-party library like Recoil.js or Redux. Build the front-end UI using React.js and Apollo Client. Test the application and deploy it to a hosting service like Heroku or AWS. Here's the sample code for the GraphQL schema:

type Book { _id: ID! title: String! author: String! publisher: String! publicationYear: Int! price: Float! coverImage: String } type Query { books: [Book]! book(id: ID!): Book! searchBooks(keyword: String!): [Book]! filterBooks(author: String, publisher: String, publicationYear: Int): [Book]! } type Mutation { createBook(title: String!, author: String!, publisher: String!, publicationYear: Int!, price: Float!, coverImage: String): Book! updateBook(id: ID!, title: String, author: String, publisher: String, publicationYear: Int, price: Float, coverImage: String): Book! deleteBook(id: ID!): Book! }

Saturday, January 21, 2023

A full-stack development example project using React.js, Python Flask, pgAdmin, and PostgreSQL

A full-stack development example project using React.js, Python Flask, pgAdmin, and PostgreSQL would involve creating a web application that utilizes all of these technologies. Here is a brief overview of how this project could be structured:


  • React.js would be used to create the user interface of the application. Components would be built to handle user interactions and display data retrieved from the back-end.


  • Python Flask would be used to create a RESTful API for the application. This API would handle all requests from the front-end and interact with the database.
  • pgAdmin and PostgreSQL would be used to manage and store the data for the application.

In this project, React.js would handle the client-side of the application, while Flask and PostgreSQL would handle the server-side. The client-side and server-side would communicate through the RESTful API, with the back-end handling all database operations and the front-end handling all user interactions and data display.

For detailed documentation, you can check the official documentation of each technology, for example for react.js: Flask: pgAdmin: Postgres:

There are many open source example projects that demonstrate the use of React.js and Python Flask for full-stack web development. Here are a couple of examples:

  1. React Flask Boilerplate: This is a basic starter project that demonstrates how to set up a full-stack web application using React.js and Python Flask. It includes a simple task list application as an example. The code can be found on Github:

  2. Flask React Dashboard: A simple dashboard application that uses Flask as a back-end and React.js as a front-end. It has a login feature, and allows CRUD operations on a PostgreSQL database. The code can be found on Github:

  3. Todo List: A simple to-do list application that uses a RESTful API built with Flask to interact with a PostgreSQL database. The front-end is built with React.js and Redux. The code can be found on Github:

Please note that these are just examples and might need some modification before it could be used in production.

It's also worth noting that you can find more resources and examples in the documentation of each technology, for example, React.js: Flask:

Also, you can use the Github search feature to find more example projects that use these technologies, searching for keywords such as "React.js Flask" or "Flask React.js"

Monday, June 21, 2021

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Thursday, September 19, 2019